2022 Season Presidents Report

To Warrandyte Football Club Supporters/Sponsors/Members and Committee,

I am happy to submit the 2022 Presidents Report for the WFC. The Warrandyte Football Club has enjoyed a successful season on and off the field in 2022.

  • All three teams finishing top three in each of their divisions.
  • It is pleasing to see the balance sheet is still strong, as it was at the commencement of the 2022 season. The club has produced a trading profit with stabilized capital in reserves. This is particularly pleasing based on a low profit margin made on club functions, due to increasing catering costs. (This is a possible area for improvement in 2023). The Darryl Speers Burgers and crew, and outside bar (Terry & Lisa Ryan and staff) and Thursday Night meal team always contribute massively to our bottom-line profit. Thanks to all.
  • Home game attendance was strong, with strong financial gains made during home games in all areas.
  • Sponsorship has increased by approx. 10% on the past years’ income, which is good news on the back of the pandemic and lack of growth in some areas. We are very thankful to our club sponsors who have stood by the club over the past season. This has shown the benefit our community sponsorship partners are seeing an increased worth and value for their investment, being associated with the WFC. The expansion of our social media has increased the advertising benefit for our sponsors.
  • Club Membership was stable in 2022, as it was in 2021, and again I personally see this as the opportunity for community and financial growth in 2023.
  • A highlight of the season was the U19s winning the premiership and a night match vs FTG which was a terrific evening and a success for the club, and a great win by our boys in a tough match.
  • The 2022 Presentation Night combined with the Team of the Decade, was a great success with over 180 people attending. Thank you to those people who worked closely with me to make this night a success.

The WFC Senior Men were strong and extremely competitive finishing 2nd on the Senior 3rd Division ladder at the end of the home and away season, but unfortunately lost both finals to be eliminated. The Reserves played off in the Grand Final, and eventually losing the Grand Final by 1 point, this game will be discussed for years. Well Done Paul Donahoo and coaching team on your successful season.

Our youth football talent is in a good position and showed this by winning the U19s Premiership in 2022, this side includes 2 x U18 players, 2 x U17 Players and 1 x U16 player in the premiership team.

Our Warrandyte Swans Netball team in their second season in Section 2, had a challenging season on the court and finished in the lower half of the ladder.

We continue in the desire to have a Senior Women’s Football team in 2023, and in 2022 we did try to build a team but could not get the player numbers required to get on the field. I believe if we are to get a Women’s team it will need to be driven by a core group from within, and the club will support the people in their ambitions.

I would like to congratulate our two new WFC Life Members, Ian Wood and Peter Hookey, who both without question deserve this distinguished achievement for the huge number of contributions they have given to our club.

We continued to forge a successful partnership with the Warrandyte Junior Football Club which has meant that there is now a very easy transition from junior football to senior football at the club. We look forward to continuing to nurture this relationship with their new president, Brad Byrnes.

I am pleased to announce that most of the committee have chosen to nominate again for 2023, with the exceptions of Tom Naughtin and Tim Lambert, and I personally would like to thank them for their contribution to the WFC over the past seasons.

I would also like to thank the committee and volunteers around the club who make it a success and great place to be.

In closing, I would like to add that the WFC is in a great place for success next year in all facets, on and off the field. We are a unique community club which continues to develop and portray the right culture.

Go Bloods!!!!!


Owen Humphris
Warrandyte Football Club President

2021 Season Presidents Report

To Warrandyte Football Club Supporters/Sponsors/Members and Committee,

I am happy to submit my first Presidents Report for the WFC.

After a season completely different to any other, and 8 months in the role, it is pleasing to see the balance sheet is still strong, as it was at the commencement of the 2021 season. The club has produced a trading profit with stabilized capital in reserves. This is particularly pleasing because of the interrupted season it was, being restricted to one evening function in the season, reduced home games, and a reduced attendance due to Covid.

Sponsorship was stable over the past year, which is a result of the pandemic and lack of growth in some areas. But we are very thankful to our club sponsors who have stood by the club in this tough season. Our community sponsorship partners are seeing an increased worth and value for their investment, being associated with the WFC.

Club Membership was stable, but I personally see this as the opportunity of growth in 2022.

The committee have also overseen the development of the Men’s playing group as well as maintaining the financial stability of the club. On the field we were strong and extremely competitive finishing on top of the Senior 3rd Division ladder when the season was cut short.
In fact, all three football teams finished in the top four, which was a success for the football coaches and football department. – Well Done Paul Donahoo and team.

Our Warrandyte Swans Netball team had a tremendous inaugural season being promoted in several divisions and finally finishing second on the ladder in Division 2. This is very promising, and we look forward to expanding and growing Netball within the club.

We continue in the desire to have a Senior Women’s Football team in 2022 and have now appointed a coach for the 2022 season and have commenced preseason training. This will continue to need nurturing and development to make the 2022 season a success.

2021 Match day attendance was strong, although the number of home games was limited by Covid lockdowns. We had a low attendance to the Past Players day and failed to hold any of our major functions such as Ladies Lunch, Presidents Lunch, Team of the Decade, Special Effort Draw etc, this would have affected our bottom line.

A big thank you to Peter Hookey and the committee who worked very hard to secure major funding for our oval lighting upgrade. This is a significant achievement, and they were installed mid-season. This is a result of our ongoing partnership with Local, State and most importantly, Federal governments. Well Done Pete and committee.

We continued to forge a successful partnership with the Warrandyte Junior Football Club which has meant that there is now a very easy bridge from junior football to senior football. We look forward to continuing to nurture this relationship which is mutually beneficial.

I am pleased to announce that most of the committee have chosen to nominate again for 2022, with the exceptions of Roger and Hannah Enriquez and Stephen Dunn. I personally would like to them and specifically thank Stephen Dunn for the mountain of work he has contributed to the WFC over the past seasons.

I would also like to thank the committee and volunteers around the club who make it a success and great place to be.

In closing, we are much admired and envied by other football clubs in the EFNL. We are a unique community club which continues to develop and portray the right culture.

Go Bloods!!!!!

Owen Humphris